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The Escouach Tonic association is an association under the 1901 law, whose aim is:
- The practice of relaxing dance gym in order to promote the development of each person,
- Develop the balance between sport and daily life,
- To combat a sedentary lifestyle,
- To create bonds of friendship.

She prohibits all confessional or political discussions.

Adult classes:
- Relaxation: Monday from 19:30 p.m. to 20:30 p.m. with Morane Emerit
- Fitness: Tuesday from 19:30 p.m. to 20:30 p.m. with Gaëlle.

Classes take place at the Saint-Pey-de-Castets village hall.


All opening times have passed. Please contact the owner directly for more information.


Update date: 2023-12-31 20:40:12