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The church is mentioned (like the parish of Pujols) between the end of the XNUMXth and the beginning of the XNUMXth century.
The building, which is fortified, has a cul-de-four vaulted apse (dating from the end of the XNUMXth century and which corresponds to the late Romanesque).
In the XNUMXth century, a single nave made up of four bays was taken over and vaulted (therefore with ribbed vaults). The south entrance, the south chapel and the facade are from the same period.
In the XNUMXth century, damage to the north and south walls forced the building to be restored: the transverse arches were then repaired, the top of the apse was rebuilt and iron tie rods were installed.
The church also has remarkable elements such as: its western facade and its portal (from the XNUMXth century), a keystone representing a scene from the Annunciation, or a sarcophagus (from the Merovingian period).

Ranking & labels

  • Listed historical sites and monuments
  • In the countryside
  • More than 30 minutes by car from Bordeaux
  • In the vineyard
  • In the village
  • Isolated
  • Saint-Emilion-Pomerol-Fronsac


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