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Distance: 4,3 km
Elevation: 66 D +
Elevation: 62 D-
Departure: CABARA
Nature (fauna, flora)
Panels: Green
Around water (canal, stream, lake, marsh, ...)


Strolling along Duration: 1h25 Difficulty : Easy

This local loop allows you to admire beautiful views, especially on the meanders of the Dordogne. The port of Cabara with its old warehouses reminds us that the village was oriented towards river trade in the XNUMXth century.

Equipments & services


  • Animals accepted: yes
  • Disabled facilities: no

Update date: 2025-01-10 20:35:32

Points of interest

Eglise Notre Dame de Cabara

Church of Our Lady of Cabara

Méandres de la Dordogne

Meanders of the Dordogne

Your itinerary


This local loop allows you to admire beautiful views, especially on the meanders of the Dordogne. The port of Cabara with its old warehouses reminds us that the village was oriented towards river trade in the XNUMXth century.

Start date

The start of the loop is from the Port of Cabara (small car park). With your back to the Dordogne, turn right towards Branne. Turn left into the first street, Rue de la Mairie, then right into Rue Despagne.

Step 1

At the end of the street, turn left and immediately right into Rue Picoterie. Turn right (beacon) and join the road that goes towards Branne. Turn left and stay on the road which turns left and continue south.

Step 2

When the road makes an almost right angle, take the unpaved path opposite and enter the wood. Cross the secondary road and take the small paved road opposite at the stop sign.

Step 3

Turn left when you reach the plateau, then right at the first road. Cross the Limouzin hamlet and turn left after the cemetery.

Step 4

At the crow's feet, turn right and pass the sign "Cabara". At the stop sign, cross the secondary road to take the road opposite. Descend into the village with a beautiful viewpoint over the meanders of the Dordogne.

Step 5

In the second bend, take a straight grassy path that descends and enter the wood. Pass the small wooden gate and arrive in the village. Follow the small street straight ahead and go down to the left as far as the port.